Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Social Media Final

Social Media; Business Models and Privacy ; trends, issues

Facebook Business Model

Display Ads 
User experience (Goundswell; Advertising, frequency, repetition) 
Not effective in Mobile space
Lack of purchasing intent; social media 
Targeting large end of the marketing funnel - Awareness
$1 Billion advertising revenues
1 Billion Users continue to divulge personal information?
Charging companies to access facebook fans; not the original agreement 
Re-targeting cookies (similar to search) Charge higher advertising fees 
Aggregate personnel data; Graph search 
Monetize WOM (Marketing/Sales Holy Grail)
Facebook phone? Erickson, RIM?

Google Business Model

Key word advertising; pay per click; Overture 
Core Product search and purchasing intent; no need to stoke demand; simply harvest it
Relevancy and popularity (page rank) via click through; objective search
User controls ad experience
400MM Google+ users
Google streamlines the matching process
Google pulls information out of Google+ for advertising purposes (scroogled
Street view and European concerns
Motorola acquisition

The conflict between the imperative to grow profits and the temptation to mine data in social media servers will inevitably collide with the Public and Government demands for privacy protection.

Privacy issues, Trends;

Privacy legislation and Regulatory Actions

Social Media Online Protection Act (2012 HR 5050) 
Password Protection Act (2012 S. 3074)
The Location Privacy Protection Act of 2012 (S.1233)

European Commission investigation into Google's Youtube search history policies. The Commission is pushing for 1) Users are informed of data sharing 2) Users have a simple option to opt out.

Facebook; Subject to 20 years of privacy audits; Sharing personal data; Nov/11 FTC

California, Illinois, Maryland and Michigan Social Media Privacy Laws 
Forcing candidates to disclose social media passwords is illegal. Except for Investigatory purposes.

National Labor Relations Board – Firing employees based on Facebook posts 
Kimberly Swan fired because she posted that her job was boring
Hispanic United of Buffalo VS Rivera; Firing employees engaged in “concerted activity” for “mutual aid” is illegal.
Arizona Daily Star reporter offensive posts

Privacy Litigation

Phonedog vs. Noah Kravitz

Who owns a business Twitter account? Phonedog_Noah. 17K followers, $340K or $2.50 per follower per month 

Fraley VS Facebook; Right of Publicity – Facebook Case (Commercial appropriation of Likeness); Facebooks Sponsored Stories feature violated California law by publicizing users' "likes" of certain advertisers without paying them or giving them a way to opt out.

Price VS Stossel; Altering videos on a blog; Defamation, Libel

Occupy New York protestor subpoenaed tweets legal


Consolidation accelerate issues as privacy policies merge; Facebook/Instagram, Twitter/Tweetdeck, Google/Wildfire

Hackers; Burger King and McDonalds
Identity Theft; birth date, picture, location  


Groundswell: Wining in a World Transformed by Social Technologies (2008)

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