Sunday, February 10, 2013

Linkedin (Original Post 1)

Linkedin is a Social Media juggernaut. The numbers from Wikipedia ( article here wiki/LinkedIn ) are impressive;

As of 1/2013 200MM members in 200 countries.

21.4MM visitors monthly.

2011 IPO generating $130 MM

2011 advertising generating $154 MM

The company reported quarterly revenues last week and Wall Street was breathless ( article here Linkedin Soars ).

While this is great news for Linkedin and company investors, the companies success leads me to ask: What are the benefits, if any, for Linkedin's members? Are there any

There are potential negatives to being a Linkedin member. For instance:

  • Privacy is an issue that potential Linkedin members need to consider before joining

  • Companies can purchase (~$5K fee) a license and have access to the complete database. Corporate recruiters can then search profiles and send Inmails (Linkedin e-mail) to promising members. I suppose that could be an annoyance but I do not consider this a major negative.

  • Companies could monitor Linkedin members and take action for  behavior considered adverse. If that happens then you are working for the wrong organization.

  • Utilizing simple Boolean logic employment agencies can access member profiles and obtain your Linkedin information. AND "Denis Dynan"

What are the benefits to being a Linkedin member?
The application allows you to create connections to members and connections to your connections (2nd degree connections) and a third level of connections creating a powerful tool members can utilize for professional networking purposes. Linkedin is redefining the employment industry but networking is still the most effective way to find jobs and make professional contacts.
Source of New Job (Forbes Article Job search techniques )

Internet Job Board25%19%19%
Agency/Search firm11%9%11%
Direct Approach8%8%8%
Online Network (2010)4%nana

Members can research hiring managers to see if they have connections in common and  ask for referrals directly to decision makers. Receiving a recommendation from a source trusted by the hiring manager provides a solid advantage.

Members can follow companies to assess whether the employer fits their desired profile.

Members can join Groups to make connections; participate in or create discussions; make new connections. Members have the opportunity to reach out to decsion makers or become a decision maker.

Members can receive recommendations from colleagues; receive endorsements; and build an on line portfolio.

Robyn Levin has a good YouTube video that describes the benefits of Linkedin. She does speak about a service called Answers which Linkedin has discontinued.

If you are able to live with the privacy and membership benefits tradeoff then I believe that Linkedin a valuable professional networking tool.


  1. Nice post, Denis. I have a linkedin account, but am not very active on it. Maybe I'll start paying more attention to it.

  2. Thanks - Linkedin is one more tool in your tool box for finding jobs.

  3. Thanks for your post on LinkedIn. It would be beneficial to use this social media too for future job search, and I like you view of the potential negatives. And the video is great for starters. As we discussed in class, how social media represent yourself, I should be more careful using LinkedIn which is concentrate on professional use.

    1. Thank You Chenbo. Yes LinkedIn is a great tool to search for jobs and network with other professionals.
